This page provides general information on rights at work relating to natural disasters for Paramedics working for NSW Ambulance. It does not constitute industrial or legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you need assistance call 9564 3261. If you need urgent assistance call 0432 415 303 or 0414 645 274.
The leave matters policy ensures you can access FACS leave in "adverse weather conditions/natural disasters that give rise to issues of transport to work, or threaten the employee's or their family's life and/or property."
If an emergency is declared, and you have exhausted your FACS leave, you can be granted an additional 5 days of special leave.
If you are a volunteer assisting with the emergency response, there is no upper limit on the amount of leave you can be granted.
Paramedics who cannot get home safely should be put up in accommodation by NSW Ambulance. If you require assistance getting accommodation, please let us know.
If you are asked to perform work while unable to get home and cannot or do not wish to, contact APA (NSW). If you are asked to extend your shift beyond what is reasonable you should decline, you cannot be forced to continue working if you feel too fatigued to work safely. If you are asked to work and you feel too fatigued, you can state: "Unfortunately I am experiencing significant fatigue and will not be able to continue." Your safety is the priority.